
I am in network with Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO.  As a courtesy, after each session I will automatically electronically submit a claim to your plan.  You will be responsible for the payment until your deductible is met.  You will also be responsible for your co-payment until your Out Of Pocket is met.
All other insurances will consider me an Out of Network Provider.  You will be responsible for the payment.  If you meet your Out of Network Deductible your insurance plan may start paying me.  You may still be responsible for a portion of the payment.
Please note that I am not in network with Medicare, Medicaid or any Affordable Care Act plans (ACA), including those plans that are managed by BCBS. 


Payment is due at the time of your session. Please complete the Credit Card Authorization Form regardless of how you choose to pay.  I will not charge your card if you choose a different form of payment.
You may submit payment several ways:  Venmo (Jennifer-Daniels-71), Check, Cash, debit cards or credit cards [including Health Savings Account (HSA) cards].
“Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better person.” – Benjamin Franklin